Swtdatabinding: A data binding library building on jgoodies. It integrates ideas from jface, guibinding, swtbinding, .net, jgoodies and the beans binding jsr. It also provides bean adapters for SWT controls.

It provides data binding capabilities for rich client applications in the spirit of .NET data binding but with greater flexibility. By using the jgoodies library as a building block and leveraging those design patterns, it brings familiar ways of data binding in Java to the SWT library.

Contrary to the name, the library is neither SWT or Swing dependent although I started building the SWT bean adapters because I am working with Eclipse SWT currently. The binding library can handle both jgoodies and SWT observables at the same time so you can pick and choose which components you use in the same program. You may also extend the library using factories that allow you to adapt to other binding libraries. The library was designed to be cross-platform as well as cross-framework.


Project Page

RCP General Blog including data binding thoughts and lists of data binding libraries (see the earlier postings).

Instantiations has been kind enough to contribute a windows builder license to build complex GUI screens for tests and demos. Many thanks to them for their support.

Instantions .